Tuesday, October 6, 2009

How do you get hair spray residue out of your hair, even after shampooing?

mix katchup and baking soda together in nonmetalic bowl.

shampoo as usual. rinse. no conditioner.

apply katchup mix to hair and comb thru. leave on up to 1/2 hour.

rinse. reshampoo, rinse and towel dry. apply conditioner. rinse with cool water.

the acid from the katchup will 'eat up' the hairspray and the baking soda will 'exfoliate' the hair and balance the ph.

might not want to do this on bleached white hair.

How do you get hair spray residue out of your hair, even after shampooing?

Try to wash it again or use a better type of shampoo.

How do you get hair spray residue out of your hair, even after shampooing?

Suave Daily Clarifying Shampoo is awesome for a full cleansing, not to mention cheap!

How do you get hair spray residue out of your hair, even after shampooing?

use a deep cleansing shamoo. if that does not work use sea breeze. it is a facial cleaner but if you put some on and comb through your hair it will remove all hair spray. believe me it works. i use to use it in the salon.

How do you get hair spray residue out of your hair, even after shampooing?

Go to your local salon and ask them about deep cleaning

How do you get hair spray residue out of your hair, even after shampooing?

after washing your hair, brush it out in the shower then shampoo lightly and condition. if it still isnt out then add a little egg to ur hair, i SWEAR it will soften your hair and remove all the hair spray!

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